This is Kevin O’Leary, chairman of O-Shares, CNBC contributor and small business investor. I’m here to share some useful tips and advice to empower the Spectrum Business community.



You know we went into this pandemic, this catastrophe, and we’ve watched it go through the economy like a wave, shutting it down. There’s never been anything like this. But there’s a bright side to this, and let me tell you what it is. If there could be green shoots, it’s this. We’ve never had technology at our fingertips like we have today. We can now communicate with our customers direct, online, on television, through social media in a way we could never do it before.


You put it out there, they’re on social media, what else are they doing? They’re sitting on the sofa all day. They’re going online all over the place. And if you know their cell number, if you know their email address, you’ve gotta reach out to them. You have to communicate with them and let them know you’re still in business. That’s absolutely crucial. You’ve got to do the digital pivot. It’s a digital dance. It’s a focus on using all these platforms, which by the way in many cases are free. You have to tell your story. That’s the key.


Now what we’ve learned a lot about in the last five months in my portfolio of companies is the value of a 59 second video. Why 59 seconds? Because you can upload 59 seconds on to Instagram. That is a powerful platform. And by the way, people are busy. They don’t want to watch more than 59 seconds, so can you tell a story in 59 seconds? Yes, you can. Get in front of your phone and tell them what you do, and why you do it, and how you can help them, and start posting it everywhere.


Twitter. Facebook. Even LinkedIn has been a powerful platform talking about business and how they pivoted. It’s an amazing thing. I couldn’t believe how powerful it became. Many of my companies told their story on LinkedIn about how they’ve made changes. And those stories empowered others to talk about their successes and it ended up in more sales for them. No one even thought LinkedIn could do that, but it’s a community of people in small business talking about solutions with each other. You should be part of it. It’s not that hard to do.


My whole point: Get Social! Get social now and start beating content out every single day, and fall in love with the 59 second video.


Thanks for watching. For more of my small business tips and advice go to



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